Genesis Worlds Cours - Le Prix du GENESIS En Euro

Le prix du Genesis Worlds est actuellement de €0.0003002€ avec un marketcap de€61,760. Le prix à changé de -8.92% vers le bas dans les dernières 24h

Acheter vendre Genesis Worlds
Low 24H: €0.0002921 High 24H: €0.0003347

  • genesis-worlds
    Genesis Worlds (GENESIS)
  • Prix ​​en vigueur
  • 24h%
  • Capitalisation boursière
  • Le volume
  • ATH
  • ATH(% Change)
  • High 24H
  • Low 24H
  • Approvisionnement disponible
    205.72 M GENESIS
  • Rang

Genesis Worlds Crypto: Le Guide 2024

Genesis is a multicreator gaming universe, with a diverse community working together to achieve a common goal: A metaverse that will still be growing, evolving, and actively played in 100 years.To achieve this, development and management of Genesis will be decentralized, with governance decisions guided by the Genesis Foundation, and voted on by players using the GENESIS token. Genesis will run as a nonprofit, with all assets owned by and revenue earned by the Genesis Foundation reinvested in the long-term success of the game.

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