LayerAI Cours - Le Prix du LAI En Euro

Le prix du LayerAI est actuellement de €0.01258€ avec un marketcap de€4.00 M. Le prix à changé de 5.50% en haut dans les dernières 24h

Acheter vendre Cryptogpt Token
Low 24H: €0.01183 High 24H: €0.01305

  • cryptogpt-token
    LayerAI (LAI)
  • Prix ​​en vigueur
  • 24h%
  • Capitalisation boursière
    €4.00 M
  • Le volume
    €2.01 M
  • ATH
  • ATH(% Change)
  • High 24H
  • Low 24H
  • Approvisionnement disponible
    318.00 M LAI
  • Rang

Cryptogpt Token Crypto: Le Guide 2024

CryptoGPT is the ZK Layer-2 blockchain that powers the AI revolution. $GPT blockchain hosts apps with 2+ million active end users.CryptoGPT ecosystem establishes data as an emerging asset class to contribute to a trillion dollar global data & AI economy. However, it is expected that data will become even more valuable due to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) boom that the tech sector is experiencing in the upcoming decades. AI requires advanced data to train more sophisticated algorithms - companies that supply high-quality data will reap the benefits of this surge in demand.CryptoGPT is the Ethereum layer-2 that is the dedicated blockchain for AI development. CryptoGPT combines the commercial applications of AI with a mass adoption-proof tokenization mechanism - via our $GPT token.CryptoGPT is providing new value in three ways:1. Apps onboard due to new cashflow from monetizing user data upon user consent.2. Users join due to #AItoEarn models where they can use the same apps, but get while doing so.3. Hundreds of businesses globally - in healthcare, insurance, finance, advertising, education, etc. - buy user data from native appsThe GPT token is the multi-value gas token of the CryptoGPT blockchain. It has the necessary demand as fuel for network transactions. It is topped up with value funnels from validator staking, cash flow from Core products, and power of fee treasury which can be deployed for liquidity events like buy-backs, burns, and/or expanded yield.

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