Playbux Cours - Le Prix du PBUX En Euro

Le prix du Playbux est actuellement de €0.04212€ avec un marketcap deN / A. Le prix à changé de 0.10% en haut dans les dernières 24h

Acheter vendre Playbux
Low 24H: €0.04109 High 24H: €0.04246

  • playbux
    Playbux (PBUX)
  • Prix ​​en vigueur
  • 24h%
  • Capitalisation boursière
    N / A
  • Le volume
    €3.77 M
  • ATH
  • ATH(% Change)
  • High 24H
  • Low 24H
  • Approvisionnement disponible
    0.00 B PBUX
  • Rang

Playbux Crypto: Le Guide 2024

Playbux stands out as an all-encompassing platform that seamlessly combines a diverse range of services, including ecommerce, gaming, music, movies, casinos, NFTs, crypto trading, DEFI, and more. Through strategic partnerships, Playbux has established itself as a prominent player in the web3 entertainment landscape. The proprietary RI Engine is at the heart of Playbux's technical prowess, enabling hyper-personalized recommendations and experiences to keep Playbux ahead of the competition.

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