Shack Cours - Le Prix du SHACK En Euro

Le prix du Shack est actuellement de €0.00006380€ avec un marketcap de€65,090. Le prix à changé de -12.69% vers le bas dans les dernières 24h

Acheter vendre Shack
Low 24H: €0.00006373 High 24H: €0.0001198

  • shack
    Shack (SHACK)
  • Prix ​​en vigueur
  • 24h%
  • Capitalisation boursière
  • Le volume
  • ATH
  • ATH(% Change)
  • High 24H
  • Low 24H
  • Approvisionnement disponible
    1.02 B SHACK
  • Rang

Shack Crypto: Le Guide 2024

To summarize, the Starfish Topology provides two major advantages over other swaps: Significant improvement in TVL-utilization by reducing liquidity dispersion Allows onboarding onboarding new tokens with zero collateral other than protocol tokens (e.g. No new USDC is needed to pair with a new token to provide liquidity) However, this topology can be even further enhanced by moving to a Multi-Tier Starfish Topology (MTST) as follows:In MTST, All external tokens supported by the swap are put into 4 buckets and paired with a separate starfish tokens: Tier 1 (Paired with RADIO): Stable Coins (e.g. USDC, DAI, USDT, UST etc) and Native Blockchain Currencies (e.g. ETH, MATIC, AVAX, BNB etc). Tier 1 tokens are paired with RADIO. This is expected to be the least volatile Starfish. Tier 2 (Paired with SHACK): Blue Chips (e.g. LINK, LUNA, USV, AAVE etc). Tier 2 tokens are paired with SHACK. This tier is expected to be more volatile than Tier 1 but less volatile than the remaining 2 tiers. Tier 3 (Paired with BUILD): Mid-stage Protocols (e.g. MANA, GRT, ENJ etc). Tier 3 tokens are paired with BUILD. This tier can be quite volatile over time. Tier 4 (Paired with DREAM): Startups (e.g. and more). Tier 4 tokens can have even wilder fluctuations than the previous 3 tiers, and are paired with DREAM.

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