Zyberswap Cours - Le Prix du ZYB En Euro

Le prix du Zyberswap est actuellement de €0.01522€ avec un marketcap de€150,662. Le prix à changé de -6.93% vers le bas dans les dernières 24h

Acheter vendre Zyberswap
Low 24H: €0.01400 High 24H: €0.01657

  • zyberswap
    Zyberswap (ZYB)
  • Prix ​​en vigueur
  • 24h%
  • Capitalisation boursière
  • Le volume
  • ATH
  • ATH(% Change)
  • High 24H
  • Low 24H
  • Approvisionnement disponible
    9.90 M ZYB
  • Rang

Zyberswap Crypto: Le Guide 2024

Zyberswap is one of the first decentralized exchanges (DEX) with an automated market-maker (AMM) on the Arbitrum blockchain. Compared to its competitors, Zyberswap allows the swapping of crypto assets with the lowest fees. Rewards from Staking and Yield Farming are among the most lucrative in the entire Arbitrum ecosystem. Additionally, Zyberswap aims to fully involve its users in decision-making. All major changes are decided via Governance Voting. Zyberswap is also offering a unique utility to its token, where users can lock and stake $ZYB token and get rewarded weekly in Ethereum.

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